Dear Border Church Family,

IMPORTANT! Please remember that this week is the first week of daylights savings in NSW. This means we will be starting at 9:30 Qld and 10:30 NSW. This will be the regular process except for the 15th and 22nd when we are having our special birthday celebration.

It is expected for there to be rain and wind tomorrow and so we will be in the hall once again. This week, our Bible Marking will be on the Beasts of Revelation 13. This is like a part 2 to our study from last week.

Our guest speaker for this week is unable to make it due to sudden illness so I will be doing the remainder of Galatians 3 for our main study. This is one of the most fascinating studies in the book of Galatians and I cannot wait to dig deeper with you all. Please pray for Michael who was meant to speak for healing and relief from pain.

This week we will be having pot luck lunch. Bring your favourite dish or come enjoy some of our favourite dishes.

With daylights savings prayer meetings are now on Wednesdays at 2:30pm QLD/3:30pm NSW at 179 Botanical Circuit, Banora Point. Please message me or speak to Lorraine if you have any prayer requests we can add to our list. You can join this prayer meeting through zoom with the link - All are welcome to join as we pray for our community and upcoming projects.

Over this last year, we have really focused on creating a culture of welcoming, belonging and inclusion at Border Church. Over the next year, we are going to be building and focusing on a culture of prayer. Expect to see more prayer-based initiatives as we plot our next path forward.

You can contribute towards our community outreach in our tithes and offerings box or online through the following details:

Bank - Suncorp
Account - Border Church
BSB# - 484-799
Acc# - 004316835

We look forward to seeing you tomorrow at 10am.

Brendan, Alina and Victor.