How to find us

The most common questions we have surround where we meet for our worship on Saturdays. We have two main locations for our worship. Our main base during poor weather or during colder months of winter is at the QCWA Hall at 169 Griffith Street, Coolangatta. When it is warmer and good weather and we do not require the facilities of the hall we meet in the park at Jack Evans Boat Harbour behind Twin Towns off Coral Street. Please see the map below for locations and where you can find park. 


Questions & Answers

Here are some answers to common questions.

Border Church might be considered a non-denominational Church, or more accurately a multi-denominational one. Denominational boundaries in many ways frustrate the prayer of Jesus that His people would be "one". Jesus and the Apostles modeled and founded a radically inclusive counter-cultural revolution in the Christian Church and we want to see a restoration of this original vision in our time. We will work with any group that wants to work with us in uplifting Jesus and His Word. 

Creeds often get in the way of Biblical truth and gracious forebearance with one another as we make our journeys with Jesus. The Bible alone and in totality is our Creed. In this About section you will find a summary of some of the foundational teachings of Scripture that we believe are pivotal to starting a walk with Jesus. 

We are building towards a Kids Church program and welcome any families wanting to join us for this service. Our volunteers are all child safe compliant.