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Dear Border Church Family, 

This week we will be having Church in the park at Jack Evans behind Twin Towns for what may be one of our last chances to enjoy warmish weather outdoors before winter fully sets in. We meet alongside Coral Street and there is ample parking on the road and across the road from here. Look for our gazebos!

Border Church this week

This week for our message we will be continuing our series on Prayers of Power: Unlocking Omnipotence and will look at prayer in the book of Ruth as well as exploring the themes of that book, especially family and motherhood as we build up to honouring mothers next week. 

We always have a healthy vegetarian fellowship lunch after Church. We will be having an Americana theme. Our lunch schedule can be found here -

This weekend

This Sunday, May 7, I will be preaching at King Jesus Church in the afternoon at 2pm. Please come and support our sister Church. The topic will be "Run into the Fire".


I am currently putting together songbooks for Border Church. If you have any favourite hymns, praise or scripture songs you would like to nominate to be in them, please let me know. Inclusion will depend on the complexity of the song and whether it fits the criteria of a worship song, but we hope to include as many favourite worship songs as possible. (There are many great Christian ballads out there, but we are focusing on songs we can sing in worship.)

May is Domestic and Family Violence Prevention month. We will be specially praying over our community in regards to this space during the month of May. 

May is also shaping up to be a big month for Christian Unity in our area. We have a combined Pastors prayer and worship service, a couple of combined services and the National Day of Prayer and Fasting at the end of the month. God is working mightily. 

Next Sunday, May 14, is Mother's day and we are planning a special thank you to mothers during our Saturday service. We hope you can join us if you are a mother or bring your mother with you. 

May 27 is the National Day of Prayer and Fasting. Border Church will be hosting a combined Churches service this day as part of this national initiative. Details will be shared at Church tomorrow. If you go to other Churches in our area, please invite your leaders to join with us on this day as we pray over our community. 

Sowing Season: Autumn 2023

Due to some requests we have moved a few of our start dates, but these are now the locked in times for most courses. Here is a list of courses we will run to be a blessing to our community. I am in final negotiations to run a healthy cooking class partnering with the QCWA and will update with posters as soon as this is finalised. The car care course will be set for an upcoming Sunday afternoon in June.

Clothing Alterations

Beginning Tuesday May 9, Lorraine Latchman and Janine Pye will be running a course on clothing alterations at 179 Botanical Circuit, Banora Point. This will begin at 4pm and will run over several consecutive weeks. To register for this course, please contact Lorraine (0426799943) or Janine (0407438992). 

English Improvement

Beginning Sunday, May 14, Alina Valiant will be running a course aimed at helping speakers of English as a Second Language to improve their confidence and skill in English. This course will run for six weeks and will begin at 1pm each Sunday. To register for this course, please contact Alina at 0401 167 731. 

Depression and Anxiety Recovery Program

We will be running two courses to begin in the coming weeks, one online and one in person. For registration please contact Brendan on 0421074460.

In Person: Starting at 6pm Tuesday May 16 and running over 8 weeks, we will be hosting a course in Banora Point, location being finalised. 

Online: Starting 7pm Wednesday, May 17 and running over 8 weeks, we will be hosting a course over Zoom. The link for this course is -

Alpha Course

We will be running two regular Alpha courses from June, one online and one in person in Banora Point. For registration please contact Brendan on 0421074460.

Online: Starting 6pm on Monday June 5 and running for 9 weeks, we will be hosting over Zoom. The link for this course is -

In Person: Starting at 6pm Friday June 16 and running over 9 weeks we will be hosting at The Glebe. 

Sealed & Revealed - Heralds of the Messiah

This is a new interactive discipleship series that will run over at least 12 weeks looking at prophecies pointing to the coming Messiah and showing that Jesus of Nazareth was the promised Messiah. Through key passages, we will also lay the groundwork for understanding how prophecy works, types of prophecy, and the themes, principles and methods of interpretation. We will run classes online in two time slots. For registration please contact Brendan on 0421074460.

Timeslot 1: Mondays 7pm, beginning Monday May 15. 

Timeslot 2: Wednesdays 7pm beginning Wednesday May 17. 

The Zoom link for both classes will be -

Car Care

Half-day course coming in June. 

Healthy Cooking

Coming soon starting June. 

YouTube Sermons

Since we moved to our new residence, I have been behind on uploading our sermons to YouTube each week. This is now all caught up and the current playlist can be found below. We are looking at options to simulcast our worship services on both Facebook and YouTube in the near future. 

Regular programing

If you or anyone you know would like to start a Discovery Bible Reading group, we would be happy to equip and support you in this. We will be teaching how to do these from this week. It really is very simple. 

We run Alpha small groups on a regular basis and if you would like help hosting one for your friends or loved ones to discover Jesus and the basics of the Bible, please let us know. 

Prayer meetings are on Wednesdays at 3pm at 179 Botanical Circuit, Banora Point. Please message me or speak to Lorraine if you have any prayer requests we can add to our list. You can join this prayer meeting through zoom with the link - All are welcome to join as we pray for our community and upcoming projects. 

You can contribute towards our community outreach in our tithes and offerings box or online through various options on our website at 

If you would like to give to our building upgrade fund, please mark your offering for this purpose. We will be sharing in some of the costs of upgrading the CWA hall so that we can have some dedicated storage for Border Church as well as insulation to reduce some of the noise and echo in the hall. 

We look forward to seeing you on Saturday at 10am. 

Brendan, Alina, Victor and Erina